Category Archive: Achievers, Art, Art Therapy, Happiness, Kids, Painting, Poor, STREE
Painting a World full of imagination, trust, love and compassion
Apr 18, 2017Stree News0
By: Dr. Priya Virmani It was an early morning in Kolkata. It had been raining. Flood waters had receded leaving behind muck dotted with green coconut shells and dead cockroaches. Their corpses lay...
Achievers, Appeal, Bravery, Construction, Cookery, Dance, Dental Care, Editorial, Education, Entertainment, Environment, Fashion, Festival, Happiness, Health, Hearing Impaired, Home Decor, Human Rights, Jobs, Legal, Men Speak, Money, Monuments, Music, News, Physical Excercises, Police, Politics, Safety, Social Media, Sports, StartUps, STREE, Youth
Who is a Stree?
Mar 29, 2017Stree News0
By: Sayan Biswas Stree comes from a Sanskrit word,which means to expand one’s self. A woman is called stree because she helps in expanding the other person in every form.When she’s a part of...
Achievers, Animal Protection, Bravery, Environment, Happiness, Kids, News, Social Media, STREE, Youth
Love for living creatures is the best attribute of mankind
Mar 20, 2017Stree News0
By: Meena R Prashant Mahatma Gandhi has rightly said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Nisha Subramanian Kunju is a young...
Art, Art Therapy, Education, Happiness, Health, Kids, Mental Health, Painting, Safety, STREE, Women, Youth
ART therapy helps in relieving stress
Mar 14, 2017Stree News0
By:- Reshma Shaikh “Mental Health” is one of the most important aspects of our life. It includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It also helps determine how we handle stress,...Love and happiness served on a platter
Mar 02, 2017Stree News0
‘Aditi’s corner’ located in Bhoomi Mall, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai may look like any other eatery. However, what makes this eatery unique is the young girl seated behind the counter, busy taking...Just be yourself
Mar 01, 2017Stree News0
By: Amrita Sahu – (Researcher, Human Rights) I believe these are the three golden words one should just act on rather than hear it and let it be. I am sure all of us have heard it many times but...